
Remapping – Ch. 1 Reflection

The first book I am reading for the summer research project is all about the pedagogy: Remapping the Foreign Language Curriculum: An Approach through Multiple Literacies  by Swaffar and Arens. Here are my thoughts on everything through Ch. 1.

A question to think about: What will my site offer that other language learning sites do not? My initial response if of course the emphasis on learning through games, and its unique purpose of language retention, but keeping this question in mind when developing a new feature will be valuable to its effectiveness, I think.

The book brought up that culture is something that isn’t always included in language classes, especially when first teaching the language. I, too, have not though much about culture beyond the stories in the interactive fiction games. Perhaps I will be able to find ways to include it in other games and exercises as well.

Integrative language learning: an emphasis was placed on exercises with practical applications and multiple solutions. The multiple solutions will be easily covered, but practical applications is something that can be applied. “Why am I doing this?” and “What am I learning here?” are questions that adult learners want answered in order to feel motivated. The games being hopefully fun would also be an incentive, but every game must be made with a specific learning goal in mind.

It also talked about mixing language elements, context and content. This is perfect for things like detective or other point and click story-based games.

Those are all the ideas I’ve pulled from the first chapter. Some heavy questions, already. I’m interested to see what else the authors have in store.